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Dealing with noise from domestic heat pumps


What are heat pumps?

A heat pump is a device that transfers thermal energy between spaces, typically between an enclosed space and the outdoors. When used to heat a building, the energy is transferred from the outside into the building. A heat pump can also work as an air conditioner by transferring heat from the building to the outside.

Because of their high efficiency and the drive to mitigate climate change, heat pumps can play a role in energy transition as society moves away from fossil fuel heating methods such as gas boilers. Heat pumps are electrical devices which do not use fossil fuels - assuming that the electricity powering them came from a non-fossil fuel source.

The noise problem

There are a number of components of a heat pump which can generate sound including the fan, compressor and water pump. These sounds can often be tonal in character which can affect the way in which the sound is perceived. Noisy hums and droning sounds can increase annoyance, and these can get worse over time as units deteriorate.

Fundamentally, the move to ASHPs as a heating replacement for traditional gas boilers means going from a small fan inside the home to a large fan located outside, where it is much more likely to cause noise problems.

Do ASHPs require planning permission?

Domestic ASHPs can be installed under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), which is form of Permitted Development. However, there are a few caveats. Only one unit can be installed under the scheme, and it must be below a certain capacity.

The ASHP installation must also be subject to a basic noise assessment by the MCS installer, for which a set procedure is followed. If the installation doesn't meet these requirements, then it will be subject to planing permission.

When to engage a Noise Consultant

Specialist acoustic advice can save you time, money and stress when dealing with noise from ASHPs and other types of plant equipment.

Acoustic consultants can provide invaluable support in the following scenarios:

  • You are installing an ASHP and your Local Authority has asked you to provide a Noise Assessment

  • Noise from your neighbour's ASHP is causing annoyance and you would like to explore your options

  • You have received a complaint about noise from your ASHP and you need an independent assessment to be carried out

If you need support in dealing with noise from domestic ASHPs or other types of plant equipment, contact Evolved Acoustics now for a free initial consultation. We provide cost-effective services and operate throughout the UK.


Evolved Acoustics

Call: 0333 7722 076


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